
Biblioasis in The Globe 100: Best Books of 2022!



We’re excited to share that several Biblioasis titles were included in the Globe and Mail‘s “The Globe 100: The Best Books of 2022”! This Time, That Place by Clark Blaise, Querelle of Roberval by Kevin Lambert, The Music Game by Stéfanie Clermont, Ordinary Wonder Tales by Emily Urquhart, and The Affirmations by Luke Hathaway all made the list. The feature was published online on December 2, 2022.

This year’s Globe 100 were selected by Canadian writers, who provided blurbs for their nominations. Check out the full list here.

Alexander MacLeod on This Time, That Place:

“My hero of the Canadian short story. There’s 50 years of work in this book, all his greatest hits, but every piece is still urgent. If the topic is longing, loneliness or the search for love in an untethered world, no one writes with more wisdom or more beautifully.”

Get This Time, That Place here!

Will Aitken on Querelle of Roberval:

Querelle of Roberval transplants legendary French novelist Jean Genet’s priapic queer sailor from his 1947 novel, Querelle de Brest, to contemporary Lac St-Jean and sets him to work in a sawmill in the middle of a bitter syndical struggle with a rapacious boss. The most brilliant, imaginative, phantasmagorical and incendiary novel of the year.”

Get Querelle of Roberval here!

Alex Pugsley on The Music Game:

“Many have been the millennial offerings I’ve read the past year, and while there is much to recommend […] the book I keep thinking about is Stéfanie Clermont’s The Music Game. An amalgam of short stories, childhood remembrances, dolorous journaling and deeply-felt romances, this multi-prize-winning novel is an ode to friends who seek alternatives to the systems they’ve inherited.”

Get The Music Game here!

Carrie Snyder on Ordinary Wonder Tales:

“Non-fiction that hums with truth and life. Emily Urquhart writes about family, pain, fear and genetics all through the lens of folk tales and folk history. It proves a deeply moving meditation on the stories we tell ourselves, collectively and individually, to make sense of the insensible magical wonderful awful parts of our ordinary lives.”

Get Ordinary Wonder Tales here!

Jason Guriel on The Affirmations:

“These are masterful, musical poems about faith and transformation, by one of our best contemporary poets.”

Get the Affirmations here!