



A Ghost in the Throat coverOn Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Doireann Ní Ghríofa’s A Ghost in the Throat received a rave review in The New York Times! The review was published online, and was in the print issue on May 26, 2021. You can read it on their website here.

Reviewer Parul Sehgal wrote,

“The ardent, shape-shifting A Ghost in the Throat is Ní Ghríofa’s offering … She pieces together Ní Chonaill’s life as if she is darning a hem, keeping the story from unraveling further. She interrupts herself to stuff a child into a car seat, wrestle a duvet into its cover, pick pieces of pasta off the floor … What is this ecstasy of self-abnegation, what are its costs? She documents this tendency without shame or fear but with curiosity, even amusement … The real woman Ní Ghríofa summons forth is herself.”

And we’re thrilled that A Ghost in the Throat also received a second rave review in The New York Times! The review was published online on June 1, and it will be in a print issue this week. You can read it on their website here.

Reviewer Nina Maclaughlin wrote,

“A powerful, bewitching blend of memoir and literary investigation … Ní Ghríofa is deeply attuned to the gaps, silences and mysteries in women’s lives, and the book reveals, perhaps above all else, how we absorb what we love—a child, a lover, a poem—and how it changes us from the inside out … This is not dusty scholarship but a work of passion. ‘Raw’ is not the right word; the book is finely structured, its pace controlled. ‘Vulnerable’ gets closer, in its root force: vulnus, or wound. This book comes from the body, from the ‘entwining strands of female voices that were carried in female bodies.’ The sound of the female voice, the aural texture of A Ghost in the Throat, is part of its deep pleasure.”

A Ghost in the Throat was also reviewed in New York Magazine‘s weekly literary newsletter for Vulture, “Read Like the Wind”. The newsletter was emailed out on June 1, 2021. You can read the review here.

Reviewer Molly Young wrote,

A Ghost in the Throat is a thrilling voyage into the lore of Ireland, motherhood, marriage, blood, and guts … Ghríofa assembles a cache of information on Eibhlín Dubh, composing her translation during minutes stolen away from domestic tasks. This is both a page-turner and a raw but erudite expression of a totally unique consciousness.”

Doireann Ní Ghríofa did an interview about A Ghost in the Throat with Between the Covers, a literary radio show and podcast hosted by David Naimon (produced by Tin House and KBOO 90.7FM community radio in Portland, Oregon). Her interview was released on June 1, 2021. You can listen to the episode on their website here.

Here’s what David Naimon had to say:

“A Ghost in the Throat is wonderfully hard to categorize: a memoir, a work of historical fiction, an autofiction, a translation, a book about translation, a book about poetry, a book that is poetry. It is all of these things and yet reads less like a work of avant-garde literary experiment and more like a detective or adventure story, an act of literary archaeology, a love letter, and a reclamation against the erasure of women’s lives and women’s art.”

The Paris Review published a wonderful, thoughtful review with Doireann Ní Ghríofa about A Ghost in the Throat. Rhian Sasseen, the Engagement Editor at Paris Review, spoke to Doireann about her writing, the mischief of translation, and the importance of elevating women’s voices. The interview was published on their website on June 2, 2021. You can read it here

Here’s a highlight from one of Doireann Ní Ghríofa’s responses:

“It’s only as we progress through a life in art, or a life in literature, that we begin to understand what our core concerns are, and history is the throbbing pulse of my work as an artist. In all of my books, in all of my poems, I return again and again to our sense of the past and what questions the past is asking of us, and the ways in which we attempt to answer those questions, just by being who we are in the environments we’re born to.”

And finally, Doireann Ní Ghríofa was interviewed on Across the Pond, the literary podcast hosted by Texas indie bookstore owner Lori Feathers and UK publisher Sam Jordison. Across the Pond is a podcast about the most discussed and anticipated books on both sides of the Atlantic. Doireann was interviewed for their seventh episode, which was posted on June 1, 2021. You can listen to it here.

Pick up your copy of A Ghost in the Throat from Biblioasis!



Marcello Di Cintio, author of Driven The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers (May 4, 2021), was interviewed by Piya Chattopadhyay on CBC’s The Sunday Magazine! The interview was aired on Sunday, May 16, 2021. You can listen to it here.

Marcello Di Cintio’s Driven The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers received a starred review from Quill & Quire! The review was published online on May 20, 2021, and it was published in the print June 2021 issue. You can read it online here.

Reviewer Kevin Hardcastle raved,

“Di Cintio, a two-time winner of the W.O. Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize, lets the drivers’ individual stories shine in these anthologized glimpses while reserving his own judgments … In a world of ride shares and COVID-19, the stories in Driven are coloured by the spectre that this livelihood could be lost … But there is hope in these stories and a powerful dose of humanity in how these drivers endure, all while looking squarely at inequities and uncertainty. The cabbies profiled by Di Cintio are not here just to tell stories; they reveal truth in a way that may well disarm and sharply adjust the perceptions of many readers.”

Marcello Di Cintio also published an article in the Globe & Mail titled “‘Road’ scholars: why every taxi driver possesses their own type of genius”! The article was published online on May 21, 2021, and it was published in the print issue of the Globe the following weekend. You can read it online here.

Finally, Marcello Di Cintio’s Driven The Secret Lives of Taxi Drivers received a great review in the Literary Review of Canada! The review was published online on May 26, 2021, and it will be in the June 2021 print issue of the LRC. You can read it online here.

Reviewer David Macfarlane wrote,

“No big event kicks Driven into gear. Nobody is a celebrity. There is no specific wrong to be righted, no particular injustice to be exposed. Indeed, Di Cintio consciously abjures the best-known tropes of cab driving … Instead, he sticks to wanting to know about cab drivers, and this impulse—plain, old-fashioned inquisitiveness—is a journalistic force not to be underestimated.”

Get your copy of Driven today from Biblioasis!



White Shadow coverRoy Jacobsen’s White Shadow (April 6, 2021) was featured by the New York Times in their list “The Ultimate Summer Escape: Historical Fiction”! The list was published on May 27, 2021. You can read the article on their website here.

Reviewer Alida Becker wrote,

“The heroine of Roy Jacobsen’s White Shadow knows every inch of her home turf, a tiny island off the coast of northern Norway that her people have inhabited for generations … The novel’s account of Ingrid’s experience of World War II is unsettlingly easy to follow.”

On June 1, 2021, White Shadow was the featured novel at Interabang Books’ (Dallas, TX) June Book Club meeting. The book club was highlighted by PaperCity Magazine in their list “The Best Event Series to Catch for a Dallas Summer Well Spent”. The list was published on May 26, 2021, and you can read it on their website here.

Grab your copy of White Shadow from Biblioasis!



It’s a busy time of the year here at Biblioasis, and we’ve got the media coverage to prove it! Why not listen in as our authors discuss their work? Or, you can take a look at some of these excellent reviews! Check out these and more below:

White Shadow by Roy Jacobsen was reviewed in the Historical Novel Society. Check out the full review on their website here!

Janice Derr had this to say:

Jacobsen’s sparse and raw prose evoke the chaos and despair of war, and his atmospheric descriptions vividly depict the island’s brutal landscape.

Order White Shadow today from Biblioasis!


Catherine Fogarty’s Murder on the Inside received quite a bit of attention, with Catherine appearing on several radio and tv spots. She was interviewed by Ramanjit Sidhu on CKER World FM, and by Mehroop Kaur on The Evening Roundup on CJCN Connect FM. Catherine was also a guest on Kitchener Today with Brian Bourke, which you can listen to here!

Get your copy of Murder on the Inside from Biblioasis!


On Property by Rinaldo Walcott was featured in a great review by Quill & Quire. 

Reviewer Sanchari Sur wrote:

“Rinaldo Walcott locates his contribution to the Field Notes series on current issues, On Property, in the present political moment, while using historical references and events to argue for the abolition of police and property … Walcott concludes his case by asking for a new ethics of care and economy that does not keep feeding into the incarceration system, a system rigged to continue Black suffering … It is a question we must ask ourselves after reflecting on the ways in which we, too, are complicit.”

Check out the full review on their website here.

Order your copy of On Property today from Biblioasis!


Foregone by Russell Banks received a phenomenal review in the LA Review of Books! The review was published on May 5, 2021, and can be found on their website here.

Rob Latham had this to say:

“Complexly engaging … In this most haunting of metafictional echoes, the author shows how the lonely death of a minor Canadian filmmaker, ‘famous only in certain unfashionably leftist quarters,’ may yet be a tale of deep grace and significance, a gathering into the artifice of eternity. If Foregone turns out to be Banks’s final novel (and, given its many strengths, one hopes not), it is a profoundly compelling valedictory.”

Get your copy of Forgone now from Biblioasis!


Andreae Callanan’s poetry collection The Debt was featured in a notice by the Memorial University Gazette, which you can find on their website here.

Mandy Cook writes:

The collection of poems is an argument for community and connection in an age increasingly associated with isolation of the individual.”

Get your copy of The Debt from Biblioasis!


Strangers by Rob Taylor was beautifully examined in a review by the Miramichi Reader, which you can read in full on their website here.

Reviewer Chris Banks writes:

“If ‘Imagery is the memory of memory’ as Stanley Plumly believed, Rob Taylor’s Strangers out with Biblioasis press uses imagery as both revelation and reconciliation. The poems tease epiphany from memory, memory from language, language from grief and loss. I urge everyone to go out and buy this wonderful poetry collection that dares sadness and boldly remembers, imagining a present moment where our deceased loved ones and friends are still close by, albeit unseen, making loss and life more palpable.”

Buy your copy of Strangers now from Biblioasis!


We’ve gotten some fantastic coverage on a number of our titles here at Biblioasis in the last couple of weeks. Take a look at these reviews!


Doireann Ní Ghríofa’s A Ghost in the Throat was highlighted in the New York Review of Books, and in a starred review by Foreword Reviews! You can read the New York Review of Books article here, and the Foreword Reviews article here.

New York Review of Books reviewer Ange Mlinko writes:

“Ní Ghríofa is a poet through and through: in this prose work she writes lyrical sentences that make the physical world come alive … It was around Ní Chonaill’s time that a new poetic form was invented: the aisling, a dream vision of Ireland revealing itself to the poet as a beautiful woman in need of saving. Ní Ghríofa certainly gives us a new, feminist vision of a woman saving another woman, righting a historical imbalance that persists in women’s continued sacrifices.”

Michelle Anne Schingler writes in Foreword Reviews:

“History mutes women; it also depends on them. This paradox is at the heart of a A Ghost in the Throat, an extraordinary literary memoir that finds life in buried spaces … Feminist and feminine, A Ghost in the Throat gives defiant voice to hushed womanhood, in all of its pain and glory. Her images incandescent and brutal, Ní Ghríofa writes about the omens represented by starlings and about unearthed fragments of teacups, but also about caesarean scars, bleeding hangnails, and the consuming fire of her husband’s touch … A Ghost in the Throat is an achingly gorgeous literary exploration that establishes a sisterhood across generations.”

Visit their websites for the full reviews!

Order your copy from Biblioasis, or your local bookstore.


Andri Snær Magnason’s On Time and Water, and Mia Couto’s Sea Loves Me were both featured in reviews by the Winnipeg Free Press! The piece on Magnason can be read here, and the one on Couto can be read here.

Of On Time and Water, reviewer Joseph Hnatiuk had this to say:

“Compelling … This clarion call to action on the climate issue, coming from award-winning Icelandic poet and novelist Andri Snær Magnason, should be required reading for deniers of the greatest crisis humans have ever faced … A memoir and polemic featuring mythological stories, Icelandic folklore, cultural histories and science-driven extrapolations which effectively combine to send a strong message about the planetary damage humans are causing.”

While Rory Runnells wrote about Sea Loves Me:

“Extraordinary … Begin anywhere, with any story, and you as reader are safe within Couto’s world. The imagination is without limit, the poetic force is exhilarating and often disturbing, while the surprise of some is breathtaking … Couto is as much a master of the pointed anecdote as the longer tale.”

Check out the Winnipeg Free Press website for the full reviews.

Purchase your copy of On Time and Water from Biblioasis, or your local bookstore!

Order Sea Loves Me today from Biblioasis, or your local bookstore!


Strangers by Rob Taylor, Villa Negativa by Sharon McCartney, and The Debt by Andreae Callanan were all featured on CBC’s 55 Canadian poetry collections to check out in spring 2021 list! For a look at our poetry collections and more, check out the full list here.

Order your copy of Strangers at Biblioasis

Order your copy of Villa Negativa at Biblioasis

Order your copy of The Debt at Biblioasis, or your local bookstore!


And just last week, Marcello Di Cintio’s Driven was given a glowing shout-out on twitter by none other than Margaret Atwood!

Atwood wrote:

“An astonishing book about folks from all over, many of whom have been through total hell but have somehow made their way out … You never know who’s driving you. Each person contains multitudes.”

Purchase your copy of Driven at Biblioasis, or your local bookstore!

SEA LOVES ME, 100 MILES OF BASEBALL, FOREGONE: Biblioasis Books in the News!

Check out some recent coverage of our books below:



Hot off the heels of its virtual launch, 100 Miles of Baseball by Dale and Heidi LM Jacobs has had great news coverage recently from the Globe and Mail, and was listed in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal‘s feature, “13 New Baseball Books Worth Adding to Your Baseball Lineup”! You can read the Globe and Mail article here, and find the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal list here.

Globe and Mail reviewer Brad Wheeler wrote:

“They soulfully documented a 2017 road trip to the obscurest of ‘play ball’ destinations, all within a limited radius … The married authors complement each other—he’s the play-by-play guy; she, the colour commentator.”

Chris Foran of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal added:

“This book is a journal … of two people seeking and finding what made them love the game in the first place.”

Check out their websites for the full reviews!

Buy 100 Miles of Baseball from Biblioasis, or from your local bookstore.


Sea Loves Me by Mia Couto was featured in a beautiful rave review from World Literature Today!

Reviewer Anderson Tepper wrote:

Sea Loves Me is a thrilling addition to Couto’s extraordinary body of work, bringing together new and old stories that evoke past and present Mozambique, memories and dreamscapes, natural and spirit worlds. War, race, sky and sea, death and desire—these are just a few of the eternal elements Couto uses to mold his wise, enchanting fiction.”

Read the full review on their website here.

Order Sea Loves Me from Biblioasis, or from your local bookstore.


Russell Banks’ Foregone was also featured by the Globe and Mail, in an editorial by Russell Banks himself which also explores his reasons for becoming a Canadian citizen. Banks also had an interview and event with Globe and Mail writer Sandra Martin for One Page: Canada’s Virtual Literary Series! The Globe and Mail editorial can be found here, and you can still watch the One Page event and interview here.

Russel Banks explains in his article:

“I want my identity as a Canadian to be a significant part of my legacy. To do that, I first have to claim it. Also, for myself alone, I simply want to honour my father’s and my grandparents’ origins, the way I hope my children and grandchildren will someday honour mine. I want to merge my life’s story in the U.S. with my ancestors’ tales of two-and-a-half centuries of work and love in the Maritime provinces of Canada.”

Check out the links for the full editorial and event!

You can order Foregone from Biblioasis, or from your local bookstore.